Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I got in an easy 6 miles early Sunday morning. Usually, on the weekends, I’ve been waiting until later in the day to run. However, I wanted to ski too, so I figured I’d run while everyone else was sleeping. Then they’d only “miss me” once during the day. I ended up skiing for 70 minutes. At least half of that time was on a lake where I could actually focus on my technique, rather than skiing on an actual x-c trail where I would have to focus staying vertical, avoiding rocks and sticks and constantly going up or down hills.

Yesterday and today consisted of easy to moderate 8 mile runs. Temps have warmed up into the mid-20s in the mornings. I was really warm this morning. I had my jacket zipped down and my gloves off. Then I passed a gal who was so bundled up all I could see were her eyes. It’d have to be 20 below for me to dress like that. Different strokes…at least she was out exercising.

Yesterday at lunch I was reviewing treadmills here. Then I was looking online at two different stores in the area to see which ones they carried. On my way home from work I stopped and bought a Pacemaster Gold. The review was enough to sell me on it – I didn’t even try it out. I wasn’t sure we’d get a new treadmill, but zero percent financing for a year helped seal the deal. When they deliver it, they’ll take back our old one, check it out and hopefully give us a couple hundred bucks for it.


UMaine Cooperative Extension said...

So how is your daughter's nose?

I, too, tend to overheat in the winter. Usually around two miles or so I start shedding hat and gloves (more like 5-10 miles as the temps drop).

Bart said...

I wear long sleeves when it dips into the 50s, and I add gloves if it gets to the low 50s/upper 40s. Growing up in Southern California didn't prepare me to deal with the cold--or even the mildly cool.

Anonymous said...

Zero percent financing for a year. Now you got me thinking. My wife is not a runner, but she has wanted a treadmill as well.

Anonymous said...

We own a treadmill. I've never been on it. A Trotter 545 that has to be over a dozen years old. They'll come service it for a small fortune. These things are boat anchors.

Chad said...

Marc, she seems to be doing fine. She doesn't complain at all. Her nose is just a little bruised still. Thanks for asking.

Bart, long sleeves for 50s? Gloves too?

Rob and Double, my wife would rather walk on a treadmill and watch TV than walk outside. We figured our last treadmill cost us about 60 cents a day. Well worth it.

I should dig out my times and mileage pre-treadmill versus post-treadmill.

Beanie said...

'warmed up' to the mid-20s? BRRRRRRRRRRRR...

Thomas said...

I agree with Yvonne. "warmed up into the mid-20s". We had mid-20s yesterday, and it was f r e e z i n g!

seebo said...

always good to read your blog when I think things are getting cold around here.

psbowe said...

Skiing, haven't tried it myself, I'd like to though.
You'll have to tell us all about your new toy, well new equipment once you start using it.

E-Speed said...

ahh a new dreadmill. I think it would have to be 20 degrees below for several days in a row beofre I would even consider a treadmill. you are tough! I go nuts after 5 minutes :)

i feel you on the overdressing I can never understand why people have so much on. Maybe we are just better at holding a high body temp?

whats weird is the rest of the time I am freezing when everyone else is warm.

Chad said...

Belle, the skis are actually about 3-4 years old. But I've only used them about 5 times, so they're like new.

Elizabeth, I don't think it's a heat retaining issue with some people I think it's a consistency issue. They don't run outside regularly, then the temp drops and they think they need to run in a snow mobile suit.

Treadmill said...

How is your Pacemaster holding up?

Chad said...

It's held up really well. My wife walks on it every day and I use it a couple of times a month. We've had to replace the deck and the motor but they were under warranty and we just paid for the labor.