Wednesday, December 07, 2005


12 hours after my last run ended I was lacing ‘em up for my next run. I figured, of the 4 remaining days this week (and more importantly, the last 4 days before I get to cutback), today and tomorrow would be the toughest to get motivated for. Friday I’m running with Scott and Saturday I won’t have to run in the dark – plus it’s supposed to warm up to 30 on Saturday.

I thought I might be a little tired after covering 15 miles yesterday, but I still wanted to get in 11 miles this morning, so I set the alarm for 4:30. It was a calm 3 degrees outside, which I thought was a little too cold to run Bailey in. I gave her a short walk instead. That extra “free” time allowed me to start my run sooner than I thought and I was able to get in 1:41 of running or 12 easy miles.

In a comment the other day, Double mentioned the solace that comes from running early in the morning during the winter. One thing I noticed the last 2 days, the solace achieve on during a treadmill run is nothing like the solace of a run outside – not even close. Plus, 64 minutes on the ‘mill was a hell of a lot “harder” than 101 minutes in the “cold.”

Finally, I got this email the other day and I just had to post a couple of the paragraphs. This is posted without permission, so I’ll at least protect his/her identity. If only they blogged…
I have never lost the want to achieve the "perfect day" we all strive to reach; the feeling of just cruising effortlessly with no end in sight. I've had a couple of those days in life and the thousands of miles you need to get there still seem worth it. Too many people have it wrong. They think they want it, but they can't envision the years it takes. This is a craft one has to hone and work and modify and pound on. Be creative, mix things up, experiment, but don't tell me how rough the water is, just bring the ship in.

There're not many of us left Zeke; the hackers who take this stuff serious enough to go after big dreams that in the end mean nothing. Just the personal satisfaction you were in the battle and laid it all down. I don't run for health, fame, charities, etc. I run to beat people and test myself in life. I don't want to see the end of those days.............yet.


Anonymous said...

It is true that many people don't go after big dreams. I love winter running especially when it snows. Unfortunately we do not get a lot of snow here in Washington.

Chad said...

Hey Rob,

Maybe because they know "in the end they mean nothing."

Sure winter running is fun when you don't get much snow. It gets old when your winters are 6 months long.

UMaine Cooperative Extension said...

I am with you on the treadmill, I would much rather have pavement under foot and the winter wind in my face.

Interesting email. Andrew and I have talked about the same thing on may runs together. Yes we are healthy, and perhaps we started out running for health, but now it is all about improving, competing, and pushing one's self to the limit. And, yes, beating people (and getting beat).