Tuesday, April 26, 2005


It’s been awhile since I’ve taken a day off, so I didn’t run today. Actually there was some more reasoning behind my decision than that.

1) My last day off was 56 days ago. The streak before that was 55 days. I’m not a big streak guy. I’d rather run fast race times than say I’ve run X miles everyday for the last 25 years.

2) Tomorrow is a single run, but I thought I’d do an easy 5 in the morning, before my evening workout. I think the easy runs loosen my legs up for the PM workouts. So I’m not really skipping a run, I’m just moving it over a day.

3) Most importantly, I got a new XBOX baseball game that I want to play tonight. Yes, I admit it, I’m a 35 year old video game junkie. I grew up with pong, space invaders, pac man, asteroids, etc. Now I’m more into the sports (baseball, football and golf) and racing games than anything else. But I only like to play the sport games when they’re in-season. Just think how much better I’d be at running if I could change all those video game hours into running hours. Nah!

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