Monday, April 04, 2005


So I’m driving to work this morning at 6:30 and it’s 50 degrees, when I see a guy running without his shirt. Come on now – it’s not that warm out. Put on a tank-top if you’re that hot. Maybe if it were 50 and sunny in the afternoon, it wouldn’t have bothered me at all.

I think I’m still “messed up” from Day Light Savings, so I decided to sleep in today. Instead I would do my easy 7 miles on the treadmill while watching the NCAA Championship basketball game. I worked my plan to perfection until I realized I started my run too early. Given that “Prelude to a Championship” took nearly 30 minutes, the only part of the “game” that I saw while running was the introductions. Not a big deal since, I was able to catch up on Desperate Housewives instead. Plus I was able to get in a pretty good ab workout once the game did start. I’m actually starting to like this core training and have been looking forward to working on my “6 pack.”

For some reason I was overly sore tonight. Not sure if it was because I stopped at the park yesterday for 30 minutes during my run, before running that last mile home. Or maybe pushing a 40 lb. kid in a stroller for 70 minutes takes its toll.

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