Monday, May 23, 2005


Here's a letter I got from my coach today. The CAPS are his.

FUN and CHALLENGING sessions are scheduled for the next 2 weeks.

JUST THINK: only 4 weeks to grandma's!


1. EASY DAYS are short and EASY (heart rate under 140; effort @ 60%, and 45:00 or LESS of running on flat terrain)

2. FUEL your muscles right after KEY runs AND throughout the day to keep your energy and performance levels HIGH

3. KEY DAYS REQUIRE A KEY MENTAL FOCUS. plan for, expect, and make success happen for YOU

4. RACE PACE EFFICIENCY and STAMINA will be boosted by the TEMPO, PACE, and FAST endurance runs. DO THEM as written, and REST-UP for them, and REST AFTER them as well. GET TO KNOW YOUR RACE PACE GROOVE and POSITIVE SELF-TALK.

5. START TO REDUCE X-TRAINING, and increase resting time and non-exercise time to increase success on key days, and to prevent any lingering fatigue in the weeks prior to grandma's

6. ENHANCE YOUR RACE READINESS CONFIDENCE with YOUR successful performance in KEY sessions

enjoy it all

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