Tuesday, August 09, 2005


It should not come as any surprise that I felt totally flat during tonight’s hill workout. I guess I’m getting old and one easy day after a 10k in the heat is not enough time to recover. We did have some thunderstorms pass through during the day which dropped the temps from 80 to 70 (the weather forecast a high of 92). However, it was still very muggy during our run.

Tonight’s run consisted of a 2 mile warm-up, 5 times Davern Hill, 20 minutes steady and a 2 mile cool-down. Davern Hill is probably the top 1-2 toughest hills we run. It’s about a quarter mile long with the first 300 meters being really steep, before leveling off the last 100 meters.

Despite feeling like dog crap, a gal driving up the hill yelled something like “you guys are awesome.” That made me feel good for about a second or two.

The more I run hills the more I think I’m a definite flatlander. I got absolutely destroyed by Jim and Aaron on this workout. There was even one little hill during the 20 minute steady portion of the workout where Jim put a HUGE gap on me. Then again, I couldn’t even hang with him and Aaron during the cool-down.

I just read that this is the hottest, driest summer since 1988. That doesn’t sound that long ago, but it is 17 years.

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