Friday, July 13, 2012


If you’re interested, I posted my final thoughts and photos regarding the Track & Field Trials on the MDRA blog. Since they flew me out there, it seemed to make the most sense to post that article there.

Wow, I haven’t shared anything regarding my training for about 3 weeks. Overall, it’s been going really well. The biggest “glitch” came with travelling to and from Oregon, when I ended up taking an extra day off each of those weeks. As a result, my overall mileage was at 56 and 58 miles, instead of the 62 and 63 I was supposed to be at. Not a big deal, but it comes into play when I’m supposed to be making the next bump into the mid-to-upper 60s.

One other small change I made last week was splitting my medium-long run into two runs, since the weather was so nasty. I guess my focus is on staying motivated and not getting run-down.

My best workouts lately were an 18 miler in Eugene on Pre’s trails, 9 miles with 5 at half marathon pace on July 3rd, and 18 miles with 10 at marathon pace last Saturday. This has been a cutback week, then I’ll try to crank into those mid-to-upper 60s next week.

Finally, I’m trying to apply my direct marketing background to the electronic world and help promote my favorite store. So if you’re on facebook, please “like” TC Running Company. It doesn’t matter if you’re not local, I’ll try to include info that’s relevant to all runners and include some fun, interactive posts. Also, if you prefer Twitter, follow them at @tcrunningco.

Quote of the Day;

“I would rather have won this race than be President of the United States.” – Thomas Hicks on his 3:28:53 marathon win in St. Louis in 1904

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