The questions I asked the other day are meant to be rhetorical. I’m not so much looking for answers, as I’m just trying to share the wide variety of things that pop into my head during a run. I’m guessing I’m not the only one that has similar thoughts floating around in their grey matter.
I do need to sit down with my training plan and adapt it a little. I’m thinking 2 easy days after every hard workout ought to do the trick.
So yesterday was an easy 5 miles. This morning was more of the same. I may try to get in another run tonight to help keep my weekly mileage up. Tomorrow night is the Mid-Summer Night’s 3 mile. I blogged about it last month. Come out for a fun run and some beer.
Quote of the Day;
“I viewed every marathon as a test of my manhood. It wasn’t enough for me to win the race. I wanted to bury the other guys.” – Alberto Salazar
Is that F Minus? I love that comic. Enjoy your Night 3 Mile!
I have some questions about Lebanon Hills, I think you spend a lot of time out there. I've never been there and want to try it out with an easy 5 miler. I'm assuming it's hilly which is ok, but any recommendations? Are the trails pretty well marked once I get there? I'll have a Garmin so I guess I can figure out the mileage unless there's a rough 5 miler on the trail map that's easy to follow. Where should I park, a trailhead or the visitor center?
Beth, yeah F-minus - a great name for a comic strip... or a blog.
Mike, Lebanon Hills is huge and I consider there to be 3 parts. There's a very hilly trail off of Johnny Cake Ridge Road where the mountain bike trails are. It's a pretty short loop, maybe 2 - 2.5 miles.
There's another less used set of trails between Johnny Cake and Pilot Knob.
Then, east of Pilot Knob is the biggest section of the park and the area I run in the most often. I'd suggest parking at the entrance just off Pilot Knob, it's south of Cliff and north of McAndrews.
The park workers have done a great job recently of adding maps throughout the trail system and designating each intersection with a different numbered sign. So you shouldn't have any problems getting around. You can find water near Jensen Lake and Schultz Lake and maybe even Lake Holland. The black flies are gone, so it's a great time to get out there. 5 miles might not be far enough once you get going.
Hope that helps.
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