Wednesday, April 30, 2008


My tight hamstring is feeling better. I had a tough time getting at it with a foam roller, so I took “the stick” to it a couple of nights ago and woke up feeling a lot better.

I’ve been hitting the trails in Hyland Park every morning and enjoying the cool (30-40 degrees) temps and the early morning sunrise. Yesterday I ran 7 miles and today I made it 10. Today was the first time I was able to just relax and have a nice easy run – rather than trying to exercise some Boston demons or trying to whip myself into shape for TCM in just one run. Not that I was running overly fast earlier in the week – it’s just that my mind was running 100 mph, thinking about Boston and TCM.

It seems like I got a lot of the "look on the brightside" comments after Boston. I understand what people are saying and I'm sure I react the same way after others have a poor race. However, believe it or not, it's okay to be disappointed. It's not like I'm going to jump off a bridge or something. I'll just use it as motivation to train better this summer.

The other day I mentioned Chelle’s awesome PR. At the time she didn’t have her Race Report posted. It’s up now, so be sure to check it out.

Also, all along I said the women’s trials were pretty wide open and that someone could come out of no where and claim a spot on the team. Well, no one did, but Tera Moody came close as she PR’d by 13 minutes to finish in 5th place. Check out Alison’s interview HERE.

If that’s not enough, you can also check out my latest interview.

Finally, who says running is not a contact sport? (Photo by Shawn Price)

Quote of the day;

“I actually was disappointed with my race in the Human Race. I thought I did not execute that race the way I would have liked. I did not challenge myself enough mentally and physically to do my best.”Rase Troup


Anonymous said...

Ok this photo is not good when I'm eating lunch and reading your blog, on the other hand last night I was whining that my foot was hurting while running.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is QUITE a photo. What a bad a** chick...she must have come down HARD and she's still in the mix. Good girl.

Hey, and thanks for the kudos. I'm really enjoying the resting on my laurels part.