Monday, January 09, 2006


As I was walking Bailey yesterday, I thought to myself, “If it weren’t for the slight pain behind the knee, my legs would feel really good.” As Elizabeth alluded to in a comment – having just run my highest week ever (and 241 miles in the last 3 weeks) – I should be happy to only have one slight pain.

Being a cut-back week, it’s no surprise that I took yesterday off. I iced my leg, took some ibuprofen and stretched it. Stretching really seemed to help it feel better. I haven’t decided if I’ll run today or not. I passed on the morning run, to at least give myself 12 more hours of rest before possibly testing it out tonight.

Not running yesterday allowed me to catch up on some magazines, including Triathlete and Silent Sports. While I don’t really consider myself a triathlete, I find the magazine inspiring, so I keep subscribing. I just got the Silent Sports subscription for Christmas. It’s an upper-Midwest magazine dedicated to running, biking, tris, skiing, canoeing, etc.

While I still have running goals I want to achieve, I find myself “day dreaming” about x-c skiing (including the birkie), doing more tris (maybe another Ironman), entering some mountain bike races and (I never thought I’d say this again) actually working on my swimming. Maybe I need to stop training with triathletes and reading their magazine.

One of the articles I read in Triathlete had a line I really like;

Focus on what you can do rather than on what you think you must do.

While it's common sense, it doesn't hurt to be reminded - especially at this point in my training.


  1. glad you gave your knee a break!

    Like the tri mag statement. v. true.

  2. You know, 1 day off doesn't really seem like a break, but it worked.

  3. ahh! very true. i'm having trouble with that now, so thanks.
