Monday, January 09, 2006


A “funny” thing happened this afternoon as I was walking around – I totally forgot about my sore leg. Up until that point I had been very aware of every slight movement and/or twinge. However, by the afternoon the soreness had all but subsided. Maybe somehow my knee pain was related to the van needing repairs. As soon as the van was fixed, my knee started feeling better. Of course, I doubt it, but in any case, they’re both “back to normal.”

I jumped on the treadmill for 5 miles tonight. I started out very easy, just to make sure there wasn’t any lingering pain that would bother me while running. There wasn’t and I went from running 10 minute pace to 8:30 pace.

While on the ‘mill I watched my new favorite sit-com; How I Met Your Mother. If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend it. Since I’m on the topic, my new favorite drama is Criminal Minds on Wednesday nights.


  1. Susan, your comment made me think back to whether or not I've always wanted to catch someone (be faster) or "just" run. I suppose when I first started, at age 10, I just wanted to have fun. Being fast never really crossed my mind, it just sort of happened. I guess that's one advantage for starting young.

    The nice thing about running is that the harder you work the faster you run.

    Hey Christine, HIMYM is not Seinfeld-esque, but it's funny. I heard the other day the The Office doesn't get very good ratings, but it's the top downloaded sitcom.

  2. Glad to hear your knee is no longer causing you pain.
