Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Rather than running 10 miles last night and turning around for another 10+ mile run 9 hours later, I decided to run twice today. I figure if I want to get past my current weekly mileage I’m going to have to start including two-a-days. I think Tuesdays and Fridays are probably my best days for doubling up.

Tuesdays work because in a week or so I’ll start running with my training group on Tuesday nights. Running Tuesday mornings will keep me in the routine of getting up early and running. Plus, I tend to run better in the evenings if I run easy in the mornings. If I keep running stronger aerobic runs with Scott on Friday mornings, an evening run will allow me to get in a few extra easy miles.

This morning I ran 8 miles at a very slow pace; we’re talking like 9:15 pace. I “blame” some of that on the slick trails. The recent warm temps have turned the packed snow on the trails into slippery ice, so about 3 of the 8 miles were rather slick.

This evening I jumped on the treadmill for another 6 miles at just over 8:30 pace. There was absolutely nothing on TV so I had to pull out a video tape of the greatest college basketball game ever play; Duke vs. Kentucky in the 1992 NCCA tourney. Man, were there some bad haircuts just 13-14 years ago.

I thought it was interesting that one of Amy’s friends dropped a Christmas card off this evening - a few days late, no big deal. The interesting part was that it included a 2-page letter documenting each month of the year, a poem that she wrote herself along with photos of the family printed on the back and a Christmas photo of the kids. Hmm, no wonder it was late.


  1. Be careful on those trails. If you slip and break a bone, you're in big trouble.
    Apart from that, I can only admire your resolve to keep running through your winter.

  2. Thomas, the trails are flat, straight and wide, so there'e really no chance of falling. The slipping mainly occurs if I try to push off too hard in order to run a faster pace.
