Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I had some tired legs (and mind) during this morning’s 10 mile run. I’m not sure if the miles are catching up with me or if it’s because my schedule has changed from just morning runs to running in the evening and/or doubling up. Hopefully next week, once all the holidays are over, I’ll be able to get back into a “normal” routine.

I mentioned the slick trails yesterday. I tried to avoid them by running on the paved part of the path today. The only problem is that we got just enough of a dusting of snow to make the pavement slippery. I’m going longer tomorrow so I hope that melts off during the day.

I don’t watch my weight very closely, especially this time of year. However, I’m happy to report that I survived the last three holidays. On Halloween I weighed 152 pounds, just after Thanksgiving I weighed 150 pounds and this morning I weighed 149 pounds. Now if I can just watch my diet a little more in 2006 I may be able to race between 140-145 pounds this Spring.

I haven’t mentioned much about Christmas. I really dread all the opening of packages (not presents) and assembly. Everything has so many parts and they’re all tied down with their own string or wire. We got the girls a trampoline (it has a bar to hang onto so it’s “safe”) that required assembly. I couldn’t help but think my wife and I were doing an immunity challenge on Survivor. If so, we lost. At least on Survivor they don’t have little girls saying “How much longer?”

Finally, I’m not sure why this popped into my head during my run today, but I was wondering what would be harder to give up, coffee or beer. While I like beer, I don’t drink it very often. Therefore, coffee would be harder for me to give up. Gotta love a cup in the morning while I catch up on blogs, er, I mean work.


  1. I'm with you Zeke, coffee would be much more difficult to kick (sip). Yes, I'm drinking some right now, though I blame Finn for the 1pm cup of joe today.

  2. Definitely coffee for me.

  3. Coffee no doubt....You drink it in the morning, when you get to work, when company is over. Then again, I don't drink :)

  4. Definitely coffee...but my vote really doesn't count because I don't drink. What fun - a trampoline!!

  5. definitely would be harder to give up tea/coffee. I love warm drinks!

  6. I've been a homebrewer for 18 years, but it would much harder to give up coffee. I know this because I can go 1 or 2 weeks without drinking a beer, but I usually can't go ONE DAY without drinking coffee.
