Monday, December 19, 2011


In the intro of my last post I mentioned that I didn’t believe Hall’s and Davila’s comments about the kinds of times it was going to take to get on the podium at the trials. Scott Douglas didn’t believe them either and he put together this article explaining why.

Quick updated on my training. I finished my first week of the Endless Season program. Thursday’s run was what Rubio calls “True Recovery”. He calls for 0-30 minutes at an easy pace. I strolled around for 37 minutes and called it 4 miles. Friday I took advantage of having the day off and ran my tempo run outside. I ran 9 miles total, including 4 miles at 7:08 pace. Saturday was my second day off for the week. Given the time of year, with family being in town, I don’t worry about missing an extra day or two during the holidays. So I “only” had 37 miles last week. Yesterday everyone went home and I took advantage of the 43 degree weather to run 12 miles on the trails. There’s nothing like running in shorts on December 18th. Finally, this morning I ran an easy 6 miles.

I love winter more than the next guy, but since I basically had a 5 month stretch with limited running, I’m not missing winter too much. While I like to ski, I have no problem focusing on running until skiing presents itself. Of course, after trying to ski 50K on 2/25 I might be singing a different tune.

Quote of the Day;

“There is a great advantage in training under unfavorable conditions. It is better to train under bad conditions, for the difference is then a tremendous relief in a race.” – Emil Zatopek


  1. I am glad that we've been able to keep running without fighting the snow, but I am getting antsy to ski now. Hopefully we'll get some soon and you can get your training accomplished.

  2. I think Hall and Davila were using gamesmanship. If you say it'll take a super-fast time, then maybe you'll convince someone to go out too fast and decrease the competition.
