Sunday, August 14, 2011


Believe it or not, I still consider this a running blog. With that said, be sure to check out my interview with Minnesota's newest Olympic Trials qualifier. Her progression over the last 2-3 years is truly inspiring.

I'm not exactly sure what's going on lately, but I've been receiving a lot of really nice emails.

This one came via Facebook on my birthday;

"You give everyone a present in each of your interviews; a heartfelt thanks for the insights gained reading birthday $ for a gift, so this'll have to do." - Phillip G.S.
I got this one from someone I don't know;

"First, I enjoy reading your interviews with all of the good/famous/talented local runners. They are all really good interviews (and runners alike), and I've managed to glean a lot of good insight and information from quite a few of them." - Tom H.
Then I got this one from my buddy, Jim, who was my 2nd ever interview;

"You are an amazing person--what you accomplish and what's on your plate is inspirational. I'm really pleased to see that you have continued the interviews on Minnesota Running." - Jim G.
Finally, the youth cross country program that I'm the program director and assistant coach for has started up again. We have 35 kids in grades 3-6 signed up. This is my second year with the program and we've made an effort to focus more on fun, in the form of relays, games, obstacle courses, etc., and less on race results. We're only two practices in, so I was really surprised to receive this email;

"I wanted to let you know that after practice Thursday, Molly told me she now wants to be a cross country coach when she grows up. You guys are very inspirational. Thanks for all your hard work." - Julie H.
WOW - that one leaves me speechless!

I wish I could take credit for all the new cool stuff we're doing this year, however, I have to admit I'm "borrowing" a lot of ideas from this awesome site put out by the New York Road Runners. Anyone that coaches kids cross country should check it out.

Check back in the next day or two for some P90X 4-week progress photos, along with an update.
As for quotes of the day, it doesn't get any better than what I've already posted.

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