Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I've been joking that I need to find some slower friends before I run the Grand Canyon again. However, really I just need to put forth a little more effort in my training. Sure our group included awesome runners like Brian, Joe, Tony, and John who's won this event three times, but I should be capable of hanging with the other guys in the group.

I wrote an article recently where I stated, "somewhere along the line the order of importance for me has shifted from setting PRs to experiencing new things." That's all fine and good, but that doesn't mean I can't try to excel at these new things too. I've been at this long enough to know you can't force motivation. I don't know how to get it back, but I know you can't force it.

All of this is moot right now as I try to figure out my right knee. It's to the point where I either want it to break or heal because it's in just enough pain to make running no fun. I was considering running a 50K and 50 miler this year, but now those are out the window. 2011 could seriously be the first time I don't race in like 15 years.

I will end with some good news. Frequent commentor, Double, who I interviewed here has (finally) started a blog. If he blogs like he comments, I think you'll find it enjoyable. And, finally, speaking of interviews, I'm happy to announce that they'll be back shortly. I can't believe it's been over year since my last one. There are too many interesting people out there to let it die. So I'm hoping to pump new life into the site.

Quote of the day;

"When all is said and done, I believe I am a 2:12 marathoner on my absolutely greatest, most perfect day. That result may or may not happen in a week, but I will go into this sucker with a smart race plan and nothing but positive energy flowing through the veins." - Matt Gabrielson


  1. I enjoyed your post. It’s a lot like college – we should absorb everything we can but ultimately you need to take what you’ve learned and apply it.

  2. Good to see you back posting. Your at the point I came to a few years back. I'm just trying to enjoy the traing and if I run a couple of events a year that's fine. Sometimes I just run to see the miles pile up in the log book.

  3. I'm new at reading this blog so thanks for all the great posts. What happened to your knee?

    I completely understand trying to find motivation and getting back into things. I had knee surgery and it keeps giving me trouble. Most days it's easier to say it hurts too bad or it's too warm outside and not train...

    Have you found anything to help with the knee pain?


  4. @Assistant, running down into the Grand Canyon seems to have really tightened up my quad muscles which pulls the kneecap out of alignment.

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