Monday, February 07, 2011


My recent MPW build-up looks like this; 20, 43, 48, 61, 53. I was feeling pretty tired last week, so I had no problems backing down to 33 miles (along with some skiing). Saturday I went out for a solo 14 miler and bumped into Evan. We were able to run together for about 5 miles before we had to split up. I followed that up yesterday with my longest non-marathon run ever. Distance-wise it was probably only 22 miles. However, since I was running on snow-packed trails for 4 hours, effort-wise, it was more like 26 miles. And that’s what I called it in my logbook – sue me if you’d like.

Nothing like a 40 mile weekEND! I think I held up pretty well although my hip flexors were killing me the last 90 minutes. As they say, what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.

Of course, the bad news is that my skiing is suffering. With 3 weeks to the Birkie, I have a single session over 2 hours. Hopefully I can get 1-2 more long skis in. Either way, I’m not too worried about my time/place this year because I realize my priorities have shifted. That’s what happens when you run for 4 hours and realized you probably still have 8 hours to go to reach your main goal.

Thanks to Scott for forwarding this video;

Quote of the Day;

“There are only 2 hills.” – Dave ‘Double’ Dehart


  1. Love the DeHart quote. I described the Leadville 100 Mile course as only having 7 hills - neglecting to mention each is 3000 feet.

  2. Think of it as sightseeing in great country.....looks like a great big audacious goal....which is exactly what we should all have each year to reach for...nice job!

