Tuesday, November 23, 2010


This time of year is always busy for me at work and this year has been no different. I've had lots on my mind, but not much time to write anything down.

I could have mentioned how winter arrived overnight, literally, a couple of weeks ago. We went from 68 degrees to 6" of snow in the span of about 36 hours. I don't think the temp has been much over 30 degrees since. Right now it's 9 degrees outside. It's November 23rd! If this keeps up it's going to be a long winter.

I wanted to mention that after writing that base building article I was fired up again and managed weeks of 50 and 60 miles. Now my shin has flared up. I've never had shin splits or a stress fracture, so I don't know if it's one or the other - or neither. In either case, I need to figure it out soon before I put on 50 pounds before the holidays even arrive.

I was going to ask what everyone does with all their medals. As I was laying around, not exercising, I decided to go through a bunch of stuff. I never realized how many medals I had just sitting in boxes and drawers. Maybe that's the best place for them, but I was wondering if anyone does anything special with theirs?

Finally, here are some photos from Halloween. We hosted a party for the kids and it turned out to be a very busy day for me;


  1. I'm pretty sure that fins are not allowed in triathlons. :)

  2. I'm sensing a theme there... athletes much? Love the pumpkins!

  3. Very funny costumes and I love the pumkins. Happy Thanksgiving.
