Tuesday, May 04, 2010


This morning, I decided to lace up my new shoes for my first hard effort in them. I ran on the treadmill with them once, just to try them out. Today’s run would be a more accurate representation of how I plan on using them. After a 2 mile warm-up in my trainers, I switched to the Brooks Green Silence for 2 x 20 minutes at threshold with a 10 minute jog in between and a 2 mile cool-down.

Lately I’ve been running similar type workouts on the crushed limestone of the LRT in Hopkins and Minnetonka. However, since I need to prepare my legs for 26.2 miles of pounding on blacktop, cement and bricks, I decided to head east and stick to the paved bike path. Overall, it was a good run and the shoes felt great. I’m not ready to run a marathon in them yet, but hopefully after this weekend’s half marathon and then a 30K two weeks later, I will be.

Finally, I happy to share with you a new blog. The chances are pretty good that you’ll recognize Chris Lundstrom’s byline. In addition to writing for a couple of local publications, Chris’s words can often be found in Running Times. He’s one of my favorite writers on the sport, so I highly recommend that you add his blog to your favorites.

Quote of the Day;

"The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” – Albert Camus

1 comment:

  1. I bought a new pair of shoes, was pretty excited about it and am now nervous to try them out. I hope I have good luck with them like you are with yours... although mine aren't quite as spiffy looking.
