Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Not much going on, so I thought I’d catch up on my recent training. Last week I managed 52 miles of running, plus 26K of skiing. That included an MP workout (8 miles at 7:00 pace), hills and the half marathon. I also was able to squeeze in two core workouts.

The half marathon left my calves trashed. It probably didn’t help that I didn’t run a single step for a cool down. I ran 8 miles on Monday and then took my first day off in 10 days. Yesterday I skied for an hour and this morning I ran 10 miles, 8 of which were with Scott. We hadn’t run together probably since November, so it was good to catch up. Plus, Scott has taken up skiing recently, so he’s my only running partner that I can talk to about skiing without having their eyes glaze over.

Speaking of skiing, I haven’t been out as much as I was last year, but you may remember that was part of my plan; run more, including hills and MP workouts, while using skiing for recovery days. And get in a long ski every week or two. If I just look at year-over-year duration of exercise for December and January, it appears I’ll have skied 10 less hours this season. However, I’ve run 30 more hours. Keeping in mind that I added some roller skiing in October and November, I think I’m much better off this year. At least I’ll keep telling myself that until results prove otherwise.

Quote of the day;

“A V-8 engine on a VW frame. He’ll destroy so many hearts, they’ll wish they weren’t born in his era. What a tough bastard.” – John Walker, referring to Noureddine Morceli


  1. Really enjoyed browsing through your blog!

    Love the Quote of the Day. Same could be said today for Bekele.

  2. Hi Chad,
    I just looked at your last post. I remember Bonnie from the Women Run the Cities 10 mile that I ran in September. She was amazing!!

    Wow, not only are you skiing like a mad man you are still running alot too!! Today is the first day since the half marathon that I have actually done something:) Have a good one Chad!

  3. Hey, Chad
    I just checked out your other blog, Running Minnesota. You do a great job there. Keep up the excellent reporting. I'll stay tuned.

  4. Glad that you feel like your training approach this year is paying off. Ya, my calves were sore after the race, too. They usually aren't sore after longer races, so I wonder if it was the long hills.
