Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I spent some more timing looking at the results from Saturday. It looks like all of the 150 people ahead of me at the finish line were also ahead of me at the halfway point. So no one passed me during the second half of the race. And it looks like I passed at least 207 people;

# passed – between places
44 – 152-200
72 – 201-300
40 – 301-400
24 – 401-500
9 – 501-600
8 – 601-700
2 – 701-800
7 – 801-900
1 – 901-1000
That puts me at 358th place, not counting people that dropped out. I’ll be sure to keep this info in mind the next time my ego has a problem with people streaming by me early in a marathon.

The recovery is going well. The only other time I can remember my legs feeling better after a marathon was after Whistlestop, which is run on crushed limestone and is pancake flat. I haven’t run a step since Saturday yet, but am kind of getting the itch to start The Summer of Chad. Actually, I’ve been giving that a little more thought lately. It’s not going to be strictly a summer of running as many miles as possible – but I do plan to up my mileage from my last training cycle. It’s going to be a summer of paying more attention to my training and not being content with just slogging through a lot of miles. More to come on this later.

Quote of the Day;

“Do most of us want life on the same calm level as a geometrical problem? Certainly we want our pleasures more varied with both mountains and valleys of emotional joy, and marathoning furnishes just that.” – Clarence DeMar


  1. Interesting way to look at the results. Goes to show that you ran a really smart race. Great that you are recovering so well- bodes well for the SOC.

  2. I saw Jared Mondry out training today, and since I saw him on both Isles and Harriet, I figured he and John Naslund were doing at least 10. He ran a 3:07 at age 67.

    Better get moving.

  3. Beth, SOC - I like it.

    Anon, I 'beat' Jared every Saturday except race day, does that count for anything?

    And Nas's next marathon is a week before mine, so I have an extra week to slack off.
