Friday, June 12, 2009


It’s always great in the winter when you have a warm spell that allows you to wear shorts. Usually that gets me wondering what the earliest date is that I’ve ever worn shorts in the winter. I can’t say the opposite – when is the latest I’ve ever worn long pants in the spring - has ever crossed my mind.

At least not until this week.

Tuesday morning it was only 45 degrees in the morning. Sure I could have worn shorts, but with a marathon on the horizon and strides planned for the morning, I played it safe. The cool temps lately and talk on the radio of “the year without a summer” almost guarantee that it will be 114 degrees in Duluth next Saturday.

Wednesday morning was my last hard workout, 8 miles with 3 x 1 mile at 5K pace. I was probably closer to 8K pace with my sub-6:20s, but that’s all right. That night my first “phantom injury” appeared. For some reason the bottom of my right foot was really sore. So I thought it would be a good idea to go back and read the article I wrote on marathoning after last year’s TCM. It worked as I felt fine during yesterday’s easy 5 miles.

This morning was a nice hour-long run on the trails of Hyland with Evan - fresh off his 2:50 at Christchurch.

8 days to go…

Quote of the Day;

“Then there are the phantom injuries that pop up. These are the aches and pains that occur in places I’ve never had any problems ever before. If I survive all of this – while resting and stuffing my face with carbs – I’ll start to feel incredible about four days before the race.” - me


  1. I love that article. Grandma's will only be my 2nd marathon, so it's helpful to read articles like that to reassure me about this taper thing, etc.

    Let's hope the 114 degrees doesn't materialize!

  2. great article. I always get the phantom pains during taper. I always question taper but its got to be done.

  3. Only 8 more days! I hope the weather for the race is as cool as it was during the week. Can't wait to hear all about the race!

  4. Cindi, glad you love the article. Hope your training has gone well.

    Thanks Chris. Yeah, the taper has got to be done - not matter how much we don't enjoy it.

    Beth, I've given up on hoping for nice weather. I'll just take what June 20th brings.
