Sunday, April 19, 2009


Wow, has it really been 10 days since my last post? I've been super busy at work, but am happy to report that running is still right on track. With 6 weeks of 45 -63 miles, I'm actually starting to feel like a runner again.

9 weeks to go!

I finished last week with 54 miles, including a nice 15 mile solo run in Lebanon Hills. This week was my biggest week in a long time - probably since last summer. I ended up with 63 miles on 6 runs. Yesterday I ran my first 20 miler of this cycle. Then I proceeded to rake the yard and help my neighbor haul some landscaping rocks from his yard to mine. I probably over did it, but it was just too nice, not to be outside. Today is a scheduled day off and it looks like rain - so hopefully I'll be able to recover nicely.

I think in this day and age of well-established marathons, it's easy to forget (or not care about) where they came from our how they got their start. The TCM recently sent out an email with notes from the first-year race director. I thought it was kind of interesting to read, you can check it out HERE.

Maybe this will be a good read for the race directors of all the new marathons that seem to be popping up in the area. Today's QOD might strike a cord with this year's inaugural Minneapolis and Stillwater marathons which happen to be a week apart.

Finally, good luck to those running Boston on Monday, including, Reneau, Rocco, Bill, Carly, Ryan, etc. If you guys figure out how to run that course, please let me know.

Quote of the day;

"The upshot was the Twin Cities hosted two marathons in 1982, one in Minneapolis and the other in St. Paul, and on consecutive weekends. As president of the MDRA, I found this embarrassing at best, and also threatening. The number of races these days makes it impossible to avoid some scheduling conflicts, but back-to-back marathons in one area looked like war. And I seemed to be one of the combatants." - Jack Moran

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your training is going great! Interesting article on the history of the race. I enjoyed it. Enjoy your day off!
