Monday, March 30, 2009


Saturday’s 16 miler gave me 56 miles for the week on 5 days of running. It helps the weekly mileage category when you run long on Sunday and Saturday – the first and last days of the week. Yesterday was my “official” start of Pfitz’s 12-week, 70 mpw program. How can you not like a training program that starts with a day off or a day of cross-training?

I nailed it!!!

Now if I can just nail the next 83 workouts, I’ll be all set come June 20th.

Although Pfitz doesn’t have any hill specific workouts in his program, I included 6 hill repeats this morning, along with 6 strides. That’s 4 weeks in a row with at least 1 hill/strides workout. I’m also trying to be consistent with my strength/core training. Normally I’m pretty good for about 3 weeks, before totally forgetting about it. Maybe if I include it in my blog, I’ll be a little more motivated to keep it going.

I’m a coffee lover, but rarely drink it before I race. Thanks to Eric for sending this article. I may have to reconsider my pre-marathon ritual, since it sounds like a cup of java may help my performance more than the quart of Gatorade I’m used to chugging. I’ll have to take the pee factor into account though. When I used to run at lunchtime, a morning cup of coffee would lead to two stops during a 6-mile run and three stops during an 8-mile run.

No, I’m not kidding. You can ask Eric, since we used to run together.

Quote of the Day;

"The marathon destroys talent, doesn't create talent." - Greg Meyer


  1. Chad, what's your secret for balancing training with your family? I'm a new mom, and just balancing my new responsibilities with a full-time job has me scrambling. Bjorklund is my next big venture, so I'm right along side you with the 12-week plan, but I'm going to have to work really hard to squeeze it all in. Do you have any advice?

  2. Chad...
    I'm a huge Pfitz fan myself but I also think there are a few things missing. Having said that, if you follow the 12 week plan, and really take your easy days easy I think you will be in super shape come June 20th. Good luck and maybe see you this spring on the roads somewhere.

  3. Molly, I think the "easy" answer is that running has to become a lifestyle. Well, it doesn't have to, but it's a hell of a lot easier once it does. My "secret" is getting my workouts done first thing in the morning. For example, my alarm is set for 4:40 tomorrow, so I can get in 11 miles before work. Being a new mom, I imagine you feel like you can't be away at all. Trust me, everyone will be better off if you make time to exercise. If you want better advice, be sure to check out blogs like Mama Sweat.

    Gregg, making the easy days easy is definitely on my mind since I'm no spring chicken any more.

  4. Got to love the hills man. It is funny the thing on coffee. The only time I have had coffee before I raced I set a 2 min PR of 2:40 at TCM in 1996. Maybe I should also look into that.
