Monday, February 09, 2009


Well, the Birkie is less than 2 weeks away. Maybe after that I’ll get back to talking about running. I ended up taking the day off from work on Friday in order to get in one last long ski. Taking the day off served 2 purposes; 1) it allowed me more time at home with the kids during the weekend and 2) it allowed me to beat the heat wave.

Warm-weather running = great.

Warm-weather skiing = not so great.

I ended up skiing for just over 3 hours and covered 44K. Chris joined me for about half of that and it was great having the company – although skiing together is not the same as running together. It’s not like you’re side by side having a conversation the whole time. It’s more like ski for awhile, regroup and talk a little, ski, regroup, talk, etc.

Saturday was my first run in 2 weeks - and it felt like it! 4 miles felt like 104 miles. With our current above freezing temps and rain in the forecast, I’ll probably end up running more than skiing this week.

Since I haven’t blogged much lately, here are some high-level things that are new;

Bailey, our dog, turned 10 years old.
Katie turned 5 ½ years old, which is a big thing when you’re that age.
Kinsey now owns 2 guinea pigs; Shadow and Cocoa.
Recent parent-teacher conferences went really well.
I “PRd” at Wii bowling with a 244.
We had a power surge 2 weeks ago that fried our computer (even though it was plugged into a surge protector) and screwed up the readout on our treadmill.
I’ve subscribed to the Food Network magazine, which I really like – although no one else is too fond of my cooking.
We’re thinking about going to Disney World this year but can’t decide between June, October, or just waiting another year.
Now you’re all caught up on my life.

Quote of the Day;
“I knew I was the top returner from 2008 so there was some pressure to win the race.” – Emily Brown, after winning her first national title over the weekend

1 comment:

  1. There once was a skinny skier from Turky.

    For a dollar she would do the Birkie.

    If you failed to pay up she would Loppet.

    Protest all you want, you can't stop it!

