Monday, January 26, 2009


I’m still trying to figure out the similarities/differences between training for a running marathon versus a skiing marathon. Normally, I don’t like to increase my long runs by more than 2-3 miles at a time. Well, on Friday I was able to bump my longest ski from 32K to 40K or roughly 5 miles – and I feel no worse for the wear. That gives me a lot more confidence with the Birkie only 4 weeks away. And it doesn’t hurt that I skied 128K last week. Doesn’t that sound more impressive than 80 miles? Maybe I should start tracking my running mileage in kilometers too.

All this talk of the Birkie has nearly made me forget about the City of Lakes Loppet which is THIS SUNDAY!!! With all this training, I’m so looking forward to getting out and competing in my second x-c ski race ever. Just for a refresher, here’s my race report from last year’s Korte.

One thing I haven’t figured out yet is how to consume calories while skiing. The good news is that since skiing doesn’t involve bouncing up and down like running, anything works. The bad news is that carrying, opening and consuming everything is exponentially more difficult while skiing. If you’re not familiar with the latest in ski pole straps, they now wrap around your wrist with a Velcro strap – you no longer just put your hand through a loop and grab the pole. Trying to do anything with your hands, while they’re attached to 5-foot long spears is a challenge. So one goal for this weekend’s race will be to try and figure out my nutritional options a little more.

I did video tape some sledding over the weekend. However, the power supply on our home computer crashed, so it’ll be at least a week before I even have a chance to look into YouTube.

Quote of the Day;

“When you add in the terrain and having to dodge people, on top of the speed, pounding heart, and oxygen debt, it’s just a different kind of fun than a running race.” – Me, after last year’s Korte


  1. I've had decent success with a camelback while skiing. I've also seen people staple gels to their bibs. It really helps when the temperature is in the 20s so that gels don't get too stiff and the liquids don't freeze.

  2. Adam, I like the idea of a camelback, but don't know if I'd want to race with one. Then again, I remember coming to a standstill at the aid stations at the Korte last year.

    I hear you regarding the gels. I had 3 different kinds last Friday when it was less than 10 degress. The Cliff Shot was nearly impossible to eat and Gu wasn't much better. Accelerade gels were the easiest. I may try Hammergel this weekend.
