Monday, January 05, 2009


Not even a single “Yeah, baby!” for Giada? My readership must really be down.

Obviously, my blogging has been next to nothing lately. That’s what happens when you have 12 days off in a row from work. I could definitely get used to staying at home – if only I could convince my company to continue paying me.

With all that time off, my main goal was to ski as much as possible. I think I got about 8 hours on my skis and was able to increase my longest outing to 1:45. I did manage to get in a few runs too, although my 88 miles for the entire month of December makes it my lowest month in a very long time. I still managed to seek over 2,500 miles for the year with 2,515.

I’ve mentioned how an inch or two of snowfall can leave runners in a bad mood, but makes skiers extremely happy. Well, I discovered the opposite situation. A day of 35-40 degree temps makes runners happy, but it really does a number on the mood of a skier. The warm conditions make skiing really slow one day and then turn everything to ice the next. So goes the life of endurance athletes in Minnesota.

Quote of the Day;

“If you end up really loving skiing, you make a ton of time for it. And there are a lot of runners who’ve done that. But you do end up not running because it’s hard to do both unless you have a lot of free time.” - Jan Guenther


  1. I can't believe how many of my friends CC ski. About a half dozen are doing the Berkie. They still seem to run well and they are extremely happy compared to my just run friends.


  2. Yep, being a runner and a skier definitely makes for a happy winter. This winter is shaping up to be one of the best ever for skiing in the metro area.

  3. Long time reader here, Chad. I will give you a "Yeah, baby!" for Giada! In fact, I made her recipe for lasagna rolls this past weekend, and they were fantastic. Not only is she drop dead gorgeous, but she can really cook! :)

    I enjoy your blog. Continued success with your training.

  4. Double, I've always felt that triathletes are happier than runners too.

    Adam, I'm still trying to find that mix of running vs. skiing.

    Jean, thanks for stepping up with a "Yeah, baby!". I made lasagna last weekend. Maybe I should try her lasagna rolls.

  5. It's tough if you've got the Birkie on your calendar. That puts your ski season all the way to the end of February, and you'll likely be fairly shelled for a week or so afterwards. I've never been able to work it into my schedule, so I've been able to get to do more running in February.

  6. Adam, yeah I remember trying to run Boston after the Korte last year. I was not ready for the pounding. Maybe trying to do the Birkie and Gma's will be a mistake.
