Friday, September 05, 2008


Not much to report. I’ve been for a few bike rides lately – one on my mountain bike and two on my tri bike. It’s hard to ride the tri bike and not think about doing triathlons – especially with Ironman Wisconsin this weekend.

I tried running this morning, but my calf was really tight, so I stopped after about two minutes. I figure I can try again tonight, when I have a better opportunity to loosen it up prior to running. Jumping out of bed and going for a run just is not an option right now.

Looks like I won’t be running the City of Lakes 25K on Sunday.

With just over four weeks until TCM, I’m trying to stay positive. Part of me is thinking about doing Whistlestop, which is five weeks away, instead. It’s flat and on a soft surface, so that may be a better option. Part of me really enjoys not having to run and would rather have me just shut down my training. But since I did that last year, I should try to avoid it from happening again.

Quote of the day;

“You advise yourself and you get fourth. You advise me and I get fourth. I’m getting a new adviser.” – Don Kardong talking to Kenny Moore


  1. I know how you feel, I'll try a 3 mile run tonight to evaluate my ankle, and then I'll decide if I want to run COL. Sucks beacuse I was waiting for this race all yaer long.

  2. You missed a great City of Lakes...perfect weather for running.

    Hope your injury is short-term.

  3. Imran, were you able to run COL?

    Anonymous, "thanks" for the reminder. Don't think I didn't notice the perfect weather for the race.

  4. I'm glad you are feeling much better. Yeah I was able to run, but unable to race.It wasn't the smartest decision, since my ankle is swollen and sore and as a result I'm back on advil and ice. I learned through the hard way that 15.5 miles is a long way on one leg, but breakfast and a bloody afterwards helped a lot in easing the pain.I'm five weeks out for Chicago and still need to do couple of 20 milers so I made an appointment with the Dr, just to make sure I haven't broken anything. It makes kinda mad that its beautiful out side and I'm sitting on couch with an ice pack wrapped around my ankle. I guess it could be worst :)
    I'll be on the course for TCM, and I'll try to catch you then.
