Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Not much time to write today, so this will be a short one.

First off, man, I really wanted to sleep in this morning. After feeding the dog, I just kind of sat on the couch and tried to figure out how I could go back to sleep and still get my miles in for the day/week. There was no way I could do it without missing a workout. And since I hadn’t really done anything hard since last Wednesday, I forced my way out the door.

I ended up running the following;

1.5 mile warm-up
3 miles at tempo
6 miles easy
1.5 miles at tempo
.25 miles easy
1.5 miles at tempo
1.25 miles cool-down
Total = 15 miles in 1:53

Ideally this Daniels’ workout would have a little longer easy run after the 3 mile tempo – more like 8 miles easy – but getting up at 4:30 was all I could handle.

In the end I was glad I didn’t go back to bed.

Quote of the day;

“Running with him was like running with a stallion.” – Jere Van Dyk, referring to Jim Ryun


  1. Zeker,

    Great workout. I always wondered how you'd fair with a little more concentration on shorter (400s and 600s) hard intervals at the end of your training cycle.

    Though I did a high amount of tempo stuff in relation to weekly miles, I had very favorable results with 8 x 200, 10 x 400, and 6 x 600 workouts schemes and assortments. I occasionally would pop a 12 x 100 in there as well. Mainly because they were lighter workouts, but I felt at the time they were essential and used different muscle groups.


  2. Daniels has a couple of workout that combine intervals and shorter repeats like; 6 x 800 followed by 4 x 400.

    Hope you're tearing it up in WI this summer.

  3. After recovering from a 10 week lay off from a stress fracture, I haven't been tearing it up. However, after a 100 miles, the leg is fine and I am progressing to over 30 miles a week at 8:30 - 9:00 miles. Suffice to say I have at least a couple guys you know I'd like to haul in at Al's run

