Tuesday, June 03, 2008


In my mind, I’m a ripped 25-year-old professional runner doing everything possible to squeeze out every second of every race. In reality, I’m a frumpy 38-year-old who thinks about doing ancillary training more than actually doing any sort of ancillary training. Proof of the latter can be found HERE. I’m the first two photos on the page – in the red shirt.

Results are now posted too - you'll have to page down through the 5K and 10-mile results to get to the 30K. It looks like I finished as high as I would of with the strategy I used; 10th place was 2:05:35 and then me in 11th 2:11:19. I’m just glad they didn’t tear down the finish chute while waiting nearly 6 minutes for me.

It’s no surprise that a 30K has left me tired. I ran a very easy 5 miles on Sunday. Monday I was able to get in 11 miles, but split it into runs of 6 and 5. Although I did double in terms of skiing and running during the winter, this was my first running double in nearly 6 months. This morning I ran 11 miles on the trails with 7 strides.

Tomorrow will be workout #2, which I believe consists of a 40 minute tempo run. I’m trying to figure out where I want to run this; roads, trails or treadmill. The treadmill would probably make the most sense for monitoring pace and effort. But really – it’s June 4th and it’s been beautiful outside – I can’t see that being an option. I’m leaning towards the roads right now – at least for my first solo workout.

Quote of the day;

“I tried not to think about time at all. It’s not a good motivator. I don’t run well when I think about time.” - Lauren Fleshman after winning the 5000m in NYC last weekend


  1. just curious why you need a watch when you are wearing your Garmin :)

  2. It's a HRM since I only bought the 205.

  3. No worries Chad, your training and racing is coming along nicely. You will be ready to haul ass when the fast stuff kicks in!

    My 100k turned into a 42 mile 10 hour effort. I started out with a Queesy stomach so I knew it would be tough - hot sun didn't help. Anyway, it's time to recover and get ready for some fall races.

    Almost broke 3 hours in my last marathon, but not quite.

    Take care,

    Mark in New England

  4. Really nice, as we are run/walking along, slow in a race... to have a cheering greeting from a super runner going by! Thanks!
