Monday, June 02, 2008


So it appears over 500 people didn’t mind paying $65 (early registration) to $95 (race day registration) for the new local half marathon. It looks like I missed another opportunity to win a race. I guess I’d rather see a woman be the overall winner in 1:26, rather than a guy. Here are the first 6 places;

Place No. Name Age Sex City State Time Pace
1 5012 Ariella Gottfried 21 F Minneapolis MN 1:26:17 6:36
2 5017 Brian Crotteau 41 M Minneapolis MN 1:26:55 6:39
3 5100 Rick Jackson 49 M Minneapolis MN 1:27:26 6:41
4 5195 Paul Horan 47 M Minneapolis MN 1:27:41 6:42
5 5497 Doug Wiesner 51 M Eden Prairie MN 1:28:05 6:44
6 5346 Jessica Pink 28 F Monticello MN 1:28:40 6:47

Still no results posted for the 30K I ran. Well there is a 2008 results link, but it takes you to the 2007 results. I thought the police/sheriff did a great job of directing traffic during this race. The one small thing I had a problem with is that they said there would be water every 2.5 miles. I planned on taking a gel at 7.5 miles, but when I came around a corner before even hitting the 7 mile mark, the water stop was right in front of me. Not a big deal, as they had plenty of water stops – they just weren’t exactly where they said they’d be.

I looked back in my logbook for the results of the last time I ran this race. In 2001 (when my marathon PR was still 3:17), I used this race as a training run for Gma’s and ran 2:11:52. Then I went on to run 3:02:56 and PR by over 14 minutes. That was the first time I followed any sort of training program and it was straight from Daniels’ Running Formula.

Basically, all signs – Boston, my recent 5K, and this 30K – point to me being in about 3:03 – 3:04 shape right now. That’s okay since I still have 18 weeks to go. It just helps explain why I wasn’t running 6:40s for MP on Saturday - not that I was expecting to run 6:40s.

Quote of the day;

“I wasn't looking for a WR but it came to me today and I'll take it.” Usain Bolt after his 9.72 world record in the 100 meter last weekend


  1. Although those times look "soft", it was warm and humid yesterday morning. I'm guessing the temp went up one degree every mile. It was by no means an easy course...with a steep hill that we looped twice.

    I ran the 10 mile and I was 3-4 minute slower than usual. All the training of the last 8 weeks has been in cool weather, and to finally run a race this year in warm & humid weather is wakeup call.

    As for the price, it is what it is.

  2. Well the weather is only going to get worse. We might as well get used to it.

    I guess the price is what it is, but I don't have to like it. I doubt I'll ever run a Team Ortho race because of their high prices.

  3. The woman winner ended up with a DQ for not doing all the loops.
