Thursday, March 06, 2008


So what do you do when you need a little motivation? I find that hanging out with other runners tends to help. Tuesday I swung by TCRC to pick up some new shoes. In the process, I got to visit a little with Adam, Matt, and Kurt.

Last night I stopped by the store again for about a 5.5 mile group run, rather than use my treadmill. After the run we met some of our Saturday morning group for their monthly happy hour. It was good to sit around and talk a lot about running. It helps get the juices flowing.

Regarding the upcoming season, I guess no news is bad news. I didn’t get an email from the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon staff, so I’m assuming I’m out. Ironically, I could still register for Grandma’s Marathon if I wanted to, as they still have spots available.

Quote of the day;

“In Bowerman’s mind, a runner was always at some point in an annual unfolding. He was training, for example, at 4:12 pace in March in order to run at 4:00 pace in June. ‘The only way to get to point B is to start at point A,’ Bowerman would say.” – Kenny Moore in Bowerman and the Men of Oregon


  1. TCRC is a great store and real friendly knowledgeable staff who know their stuff. I was there last Saturday which turned out to be an expensive trip, every time I mention to my wife that I'll be stopping by at TCRC, she gets scared.I wonder why :)

    Our long run this Saturday scheduled from there, Um...may be I should buy socks to go with my new shoes.

    - Imran

  2. TCRC is a great store and Adam is a super running store owner.

  3. It's no Running Room...
