Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Awwwww…I didn’t know you guys cared so much. Seriously, thanks for all the comments and suggestions. The “only” problem with option #2 from yesterday (cutting back and trying to run TCM on fresh legs) is that if it doesn’t work, I’ll have postponed my recovery by five weeks. So instead of recovering now and being able to start rebuilding in October, which is my favorite running month, I’d basically miss all of October for recovery.

Anyway, "today's plan" is to just lay low. I’ll try running in a day or two. Sunday I’ll do the 25K that I’m signed up for, but just treat it as a long run. Then I’ll re-evaluate.

After getting about 8 suggestions to check my iron levels, I took everyone’s advice and stopped by Urgent Care. The doctor seem skeptical right from the start saying; “People with anemia don’t run 9-10 miles a day.” Later he came back with my blood results which showed a hemoglobin level of 13.3 g/dL. His chart said 12.0 – 18.0 is normal. However, Pftizinger says 14.0 – 18.0 is normal for most adults and that the lower range can be extended to 13.0 for runners due to their higher blood volume. Pfitz basically says 13.0 – 13.9 can be considered on the low end of the normal range. So I guess it wouldn’t hurt to add a multi-vitamin and maybe some iron supplements to my diet.

Jim seems to think I’m wrong and that I’m just reading too much into the results of my last two races. I just can’t help logically compare the races leading up to Grandma’s versus those leading up to TCM and come to the conclusion that “I’m ready.”

Of course, I’m taking into account other things than just two races. Mike’s Mystery Coach had a comment last week regarding Lydiard's schedule having a wide variety of workouts (i.e. pace, distance, terrain, etc). That has made me think that dropping my mid-week 14-15 mile runs over hilly terrain in Hyland Park this time around was the wrong thing to do. Plus, most of my tempo/MP runs were on the treadmill at 0% incline. I did a couple of hill workouts, but looking back, I only did 2. While I originally thought my legs were just tired, this leads me to believe that I actually lost leg strength.

I’ll close with a couple of links. First, here’s my lastest interview. And second, thanks to Bill for sending me this Onion article on the TdF. If I didn't know better, I'd swear it was true.

Quote of the day;

“Another strength is probably mental toughness and the ability to focus. When the gun goes off, the “mom” hat is replaced with the “runner” hat. I don’t hear or see much when I race.” - Bonnie Sons.


  1. Chad, how many times have you finished a race and another runner grabs you by the shoulders and demands, "Let me see your training diary!" or "What exactly is your iron level?" In the end all that matters is getting to the line--everything else is details.

  2. Chad-
    I am sorry to say, but you have now been thrown into a group of runners/athletes that been subjected to poor health practice. I am not a M.D. but I know the system enough to say, you were "sluffed off" at Urgent care if they didn't draw a Ferritin, ie: stored iron, TIBC (total iron binding capacity), and serum Iron levels. A person can have normal hemoglobin and still have low levels of the above mentioned. Now, having said that, usually you will get the same recommendations from your FP doc, sports med doc or other... Usually get iron from natural heme sources, meat, beans, etc... as well as a multivit. with iron. Don't take iron supplements if you don't know for sure if your levels aren't low, it can be dangerous. Sounds like you need a second opinion if you are thinking your levels might be low???
    Do a google search on iron/ferritin in distance runners and you will find tons of information.

  3. I was all set to ask if you had your ferritin tested and then I saw the above post. I agree that it would be useful if you could get that # as well.

  4. I have been reading your blog for the past few months and really enjoy the honesty with which you write your posts. It truly shows the ups and downs that occur during any training season! I've commented before but it definitely gives me something to think about when adding posts to my little blog.
    Keep up the great work and the great interviews!


  5. Jim, I have to disagree about "getting to the line" being the only thing that matters. If that were the case, why do they time the races?

    Gregg and Alison, yeah no ferritin levels were tested. I guess I assumed they knew what they were doing. I guess I'll go see my FP doc for that.

    Thanks Chris. Yeah there are definitely a lot of ups and downs in this sport.

  6. the onion article was great. Hope you are able to figure out the slump and recover from it stronger.

  7. Hope all is well, I read your Blog and interviews regularly. Been almost a week, so I hope all is well.
