Monday, September 24, 2007


The running juices are starting to flow again. After basically taking a week off and then running 4 miles every day last week, I’m starting to get the itch again. Yesterday I was going to go 6 miles, but I felt really good so I bumped it to 8, then I got lost and ended up running 9. Thoughts of TCM actually entered my mind and then I thought, “Shit I’d almost have to do that run TWO more times.” Yikes. I’m not even sure I could do it for fun any more.

Given my crappy summer, I’ve also decided to pay a little closer attention to my diet. I know, I know, I write that same thing about 3-4 times a year. Of course, this time I’m serious. We went out to lunch yesterday and I ordered a black bean burger – so you know I’m serious. Now I just need to drink more water, cut down on all the crap at work and then not make a beeline for the snacks when I walk in the door. Just doing those things would be a step in the right direction.

I’m sure next you’ll be hearing about more core work, more stretching, getting plenty of sleep, etc.

We’ll see…I have to start building up some miles before I worry about anything else.

Quote of the day;

“I’d run thousands of miles for just one magic day.” - Dave Dehart

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