Friday, August 03, 2007


It’s kind of ironic that during my drive to work on Wednesday, comedian Doug Stanhope was talking about how the media likes to sensationalize everything. Usually people say that and then follow it up by saying it’s because fear sells. Doug follows it up saying it’s because people realize their lives are boring; we’re not going to get caught in the middle of a gang shoot out or killed by terrorism, etc. His basic argument is people want to believe that something sensational will happen to their boring lives – rather than believe that they really have a much greater chance of dying without anything of significance happening to them.

Of course, that evening the 35W Bridge collapsed. While I wasn’t directly affected, it still hits a little too close to home. It hit even closer to home when one of the first people reported dead was a father of 6 and 4-year-olds. That’s how old my kids are. Damn! I can’t even imagine.

Talking about my running seems a little strange when my thoughts are with the people affected by this terrible event, so I’ll just give a brief update.

Yesterday I ran 8 miles, including 6 hill repeats up Bush Lake Road. Overnight the dew point dropped and I had a really nice 10-mile trail run this morning.

Quote of the day;

“It’s just developing the attitude that nothing can stop you.” – Ron Hill


  1. My brother lives in St. Paul, and his normal driving doesn't usually take him over 35W, but he crossed it about 5:30 that afternoon. He was planning to attend the Twins new stadium groundbreaking for Thurs night (since postponed)

  2. I had the same feeling as you when writing the post on my running blog Wednesday night and made no mention of my actual run! I was also lucky to not be impacted but similar to Peter's comments one of my wife's sisters crossed the bridge after 5:50pm less than 15 minutes before the tragedy. It reminds me how important it is to cherish each moment!
    Keep up the great writing!!!

  3. Glad to hear you are OK. I thought of all my Twin Cities blog friends--there's a lot of you guys!--and what your city must be going through. Cleveland's a city of bridges, Very scary, and very tragic.

  4. That was such a tragic thing to happen. I thought of you when I saw it on the news.

  5. Sara and Susan, thanks for thinking of us.

  6. Glad you hear you're fine. Just following the law of averages it seemed silly to think I'd know somebody, but being in the news business, it was the biggest event in my week too. Covering these events is really really can't take anything for granted.
