Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Imagine what I would've looked like if I wasn't feeling good. These were all taken between mile 24 and mile 26. Thanks to Derek for the first two and Amy for the second two. The last one is of Katie and Kinsey icing down in Lake Superior after a tough day - notice the clear blue skies.


  1. Good runnin' up at Grandma's. dude. I was watching at it was hot just standing along the finish. Good momentum for TCM.

    We're gonna be training for the Trials alot down your way on the Johnny Cake-Clif-Pilot Knob-McAndrews route. Probably will run into each other a few times.

    Take it easy this week. Again, good work.

    From, Matt G.

  2. Chad,
    congratulations on your PR, my run didn't go well as planned, bunch of people I was running with had lots of problems with heat and I hit the WALL at mile 22 after my knee starting to hurt really bad. I did finish my first marathon and along the way I was humble by kindness of strangers, espically the guy who saw me tearing up and gave me two Tylenols to ease the pain and gave me the tug I needed at the time.
    It was a great experience and learned a lot from it. Hopefully TCM will be a much better race weather wise. Thanks and congratulations once again.

  3. Thanks Matt. Actually I don't train much in AV, but I'll keep an eye out for you guys.

    I won't be at the track trials, but a bunch of us are planning on making the trek to NYC to watch you guys. Can't wait.

    Imran, thanks for stopping back and telling me how things went. I guess the goods news is that you weren't alone in how things went. Lots of people had rough days. Glad to hear you enjoyed the experience and learned from it.
