Friday, May 11, 2007


I should have known. I should have seen it coming. With both girls having the sniffles lately and with me having a couple of rough nights sleeping, I shouldn’t be surprised to wake up with a sore throat this morning. I think I’ve gone through a box and a half of tissues this morning too.

Oh well…I’ll live.

I didn’t make it out for a run last night. My oldest daughter had a soccer game and by the time the girls got to bed, I just felt like relaxing. I figure being rested for Saturday’s half marathon is a little more important than getting in 5 more miles this week. This morning I managed an easy 6 miles with some strides.

It was pretty easy to come up with at goal for tomorrow’s race; 1:23. That’s the time I need to run to guarantee my entry into the New York City Marathon. I’m not sure if I’m going to run that or not, but some training partners have been talking about going out there for the race and then watching the men’s trials the next day. I’d at least like to have that as an option.

I think I can run 1:23, but it isn’t a “gimme”. My over-30 PR is 1:23:04, however, the 20K I ran last year converts to a 1:22-and change. Heck, I should be able to shave 66 seconds off the 1:24:06 that I ran in January – just by running in shorts and a singlet, rather than full winter garb. Weather looks good; 52-68 with a chance of showers. Hopefully the wind won’t be a factor.

Quote of the day;

“Mainly I just want to improve from year to year. This year, I just want to run faster than I ever have before. That’s all I ask. Please.” – Matt Gabrielson


  1. Chad,

    Just a quick question, you mentioned 1:23 qualifying you for NY? I'm curious about that because I was under the impression that NY was a pure lottery. Is a 1:23 half a guaranteed entry to NY?

  2. Mike,

    I went to the site and now see that I had to meet the standard by May 1st. Oh well, here's the link - scroll down a little.

  3. interesting quote, eh? you gotta love that. i admire his talent and his attitude.

    you're the bomb chad. 1:23...that's do-able for you, even with the snifles.

  4. Massoman, I guess you were right.
