Monday, April 02, 2007


My daughter had a kindergarten concert Friday afternoon, so I just took the whole day off from work. I met up with Jim and Eric for a wet 11-mile run along the river roads. Along the way we passed Team USA Minnesota. Unfortunately, it was “just” the guys. And when I say “passed” I mean we were going in opposite directions – not to be confused with us running faster than them. Speaking of the team, here’s a nice article regarding my favorite male runner’s trip to Kenya for the World X-C Championships.

Saturday was another miserable run in the rain, or I should say, another run in the miserable rain. The run was nice, the rain was miserable. I managed my second 2+ hour run in three days, another 15 miler. That run gave me 74 for the week and it means I closed the books on March with 293 miles.

How can you not like Pfitz’s plan? Any plan that starts off with a rest day is okay with me. I decided to take Mark’s advice and “just” follow the 70 mpw plan. Lately, my training has included a longer (15+ miles) run on Saturday, followed by a 10-12 miler on Sunday. Well, Pfitz starts the week off with a rest or cross-train day. Having run 41 miles in the last 3 days, I wasn’t going to argue with him. I took yesterday off and didn’t worry about it at all. In the evening, I did some core work, stretching and foam rolling.

The NCAA hoops championship is tonight and the Twins kick off their regular season. Sweet!

Quote of the day;

“If there is no wind, row.” – Latin Proverb


  1. Hey chad- didn't realize how stoopid my double 20 sounded until I read your comment...yeah, sometimes we need someone to "say it" for us!

  2. I can't believe I'm reading this on the blog of the same guy who once argued that a rest day per week equals nearly 2 missed months of training a year.
