Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Questions that still remain from last year;

Is there a worse vegetable than brussel sprouts?

Why don’t we see more Subaru Bajas?

Can someone tell me why the “word verification” for comments is 14 letters long, wavy and italicized? If we’re just trying to keep out automated spam messages, couldn’t it just be an easy-to-read, 3-letter field?

There were 300+ high school kids that ran sub-6:00 pace 5Ks at the state meet (not including the kids that didn't qualify). That kind of time will place you near the front of most local 5Ks. What happens to all these kids?

This year’s state meet results show that 75% of the boy’s field (319 runners in 2 races) broke 18 minutes. Both boys' races went out fast as the “worst” mile split was 5:34 in the AA race and 5:49 in the A race.

It’s nice to see that “we” final stole some talent from the soccer fields as the girls' AA champion played soccer up till this year.

I was up before my alarm this morning, so I just got up and added on a couple of miles to my run. Just so you don’t think it’s 18 degrees every day in November around here, it was a beautiful 54 degrees this morning.

I ended up with 10 miles at 7:55 pace. That’s probably 15-30 seconds/mile faster than last year. Plus my routes this year are hillier than last year. I think last year I was making a conscious effort to slow down. This year I’m just running however I feel.

Quote of the day;

“Five minutes of discipline – that’s all it takes. When you get up in the morning, hit the head, pull on your stuff and get out the door. Everything else just falls into place.” – Paul Fetscher, Warren Street Athletic Club


  1. These kids are sleeping in, so us geezers can run the local 5k's.....

  2. great quote - so true.

    where do you find all these quotes??!

  3. I was just having the word verification problem! I can't read the letters and have to re-do it like 3 times.

  4. Lawrence, I was wondering more what happens to this kids after high school.

    Yvonne, I've got a couple of running quote books that I use for the most part. I'm not sure what I'll do when I run out of those.

    Allez, the good news is that blogger doesn't erase you message if you type the word incorrectly.

  5. Re. the word verification. I suspect it may have something to do with stopping automated attempts at guessing the words, and putting spam on the site. Guessing a three letter word is a lot easier for a computer to keep trying than a 14 letter word.

  6. Okay, but why is it bold, italicized, wavy, etc.?
