Sunday, October 22, 2006


Thanks everyone. Just a quick update and I'll write up a report tomorrow. The race was awesome. I didn't run 2:55 and I didn't PR (missing by 48 seconds), however I'm happy with the race. The head wind heading north on Michigan during the last 5k (?) was brutal. Any hope of PRing went out the window with splits of 7:01, 7:18, 7:29 for miles 24 - 26.

5K 21:09
10K 42:15 - 21:06
15K 1:03:17 - 21:02
20K 1:24:12 - 20:55
13.1 1:28:45
25K 1:44:47 - 20:35
30K 2:05:42 - 20:55
35K 2:26:58 - 21:16
40K 2:48:49 - 21:51
26.2 2:58:57 - 1:30:12


  1. Nice progression through 25k. I know exactly how you felt on miles 24 - 26. Great racing! I'm anxious to hear the details.

  2. Great race on such an iffy day! You just took the bull by the horns didn't you? Great pacing!

  3. Yep, there wasn't much chance of upping the pace in those last fews miles. From a tactical standpoint, it was either push from 20-23 and hope you can hang on late, or maintain through 20-23 and hope you can finish strong into the wind.

    Congrats a great race!

  4. Solid run! Congrats. Can't wait to read the report...

  5. Congrats on running a smart race. I look forward to reading more.


  6. Congrats on your Chicago Marathon!

  7. Congratulations! A lot of people had a rough day, so I was really glad to see (I checked results as soon as I got home yesterday) that you ran so well and broke 3:00!

  8. congratulations on the great finish

  9. Congratulations! Great result :-)

  10. Nice job. And yes that head wind was awful.

  11. Awesome!

    Yeah, that wind totally sucked at the end. Way to still finish strong.

  12. Well done Chad! Your splits to 35K were fantastic! Very strong and consistent throughout! Looking forward to reading the whole race report. Rest well...

  13. It was a bit brutal out there, but it seems like you still did great. Congratulations!

  14. Thanks so much everyone.

    Andrew, I'd say I was pretty strong through 35k.

    Ryan, I'm sure that guy was handsome but, no, it wasn't me. I was in all black.
