Thursday, September 14, 2006


Not much to report, training-wise, today. However, I did have a thought which I’ll get to in a minute.

I forgot to mention that it was 48 degrees yesterday morning when I ran. I ran another easy 5 miles last night on the treadmill. This morning it was back up to 58 degrees with a gorgeous sunrise as I rounded the west side of Lake Normandale. Too bad the sun rises so quickly. By the time I rounded the 2 mile lake again, the sun was already over the horizon. The run this morning was another easy 5 mile run – a precursor to tonight’s 2 x 3 mile @ MP minus 15 seconds. That will have to be run on the treadmill as Amy will be gone.

Okay, so my thought this morning had to do with my goals for October 22nd. Obviously, I’d like to PR. But this morning I said to myself that I really want “that feeling” that surrounds running a good race. I want Chicago to be like the day I set my marathon PR. During that race confidence abounded, sub-3 pace seemed effortless, things outside my control didn’t bother me, race mishaps didn’t phase me, etc.

Those are the things I want to experience again on October 22nd – maybe even more than a PR.

Nah. I’ll take the PR, but “that feeling” wouldn’t be bad along the way.

Quote of the day:

“Marathon running is a terrible experience – monotonous, heavy, and exhausting.” – Veikko Karvonen, 1954 European and Boston Marathon champ


  1. 45-55 degrees is my favorite running weather.

    "That feeling" is the best. I wish they could bottle that up--I'd totally become a black market dealer.

  2. ditto your thoughts on "that feeling"...funny how you can try and mimic your race prep for another race almost identically from one of those special race days and still fall flat....I guess that's what makes "that feeling" so magic when everything comes together!

    your quote today- OUCH!

  3. Sara, you can't bottle that, you have to earn it.

    Mike, you're right. That's half the challenge.

  4. much more than half the challenge, i think. could it be the reason we run, like we're chasing that feeling?
    soon that 45-55 degree weather will be here. it was 60 yesterday morning.

  5. I like massoman's thought on the feeling. I have definitely been looking for "that feeling"
