Tuesday, September 12, 2006


There’s no other way to start this post than to congratulate the Ironman Wisconsin finishers;

P2 teammates;
Sue 12:00 – getting revenge after last year’s miserable experience
Michelle 12:58 – IM rookie
Chuck 13:12 – 4th IM Moo
Rob 13:12 - IM rookie
Gillian 13:49 – IM rookie
Jack 16:33 – Celebrated his 65th birthday by becoming an Ironman

Bloggers that I recognized;
Alan 12:35
Sara 15:32

Other people I know;
Lindsey 11:54 – former UW-EC x-c runner
Simon 12:09 – former training partner
Jen 12:13 – neighbor in her 2nd IM
Wade 12:41 – ART doc, IM rookie

It was amazing to see all the athletes battle the elements and the distance. I picture ultra marathons being a lot like the Ironman. Athletes retreat to their “happy place” and just keep moving forward until they cross the finish line.

Unfortunately, watching the race wasn't as "fun" as I thought it'd be. It turns out that standing around in 50 degree temps, rain and wind for hour after hour can get old – I’m sure the athletes didn’t appreciate it either. I thought 55 and rain would be better than 90 and sun, but now I'm not so sure.

While the Monona Terrace is a perfect place for staging the transition area, there were so many spectators that I could barely see the lake. Seeing the athletes come off the helix and into T1 wasn’t easy either. After that, I had thoughts of riding the bus to Verona to watch the bike portion. However, the line was 3 blocks long without a bus in-sight. About that time Jenna called and we decided to go for a run instead. We were able to run 10 miles, clean up and relax for awhile before heading back to the race as the leaders started their run.

I was a little worried that watching the race would make me want to do another Ironman. It didn’t. The idea of doing another IM is very romantic, but on the way home I was thinking about all the behind-the-scenes training that would need to take place. There's no way I could justify going out for 5-6 hour bike rides on the weekends. The only way I could make it happen would be to use a vacation day every once in awhile to get in my long stuff. However, the thought of doing a HALF Ironman next year has crossed my mind. Each of those distances seems doable on "minimal" training; meaning I could bike and swim 1-2 times a week and be able to finish a half.

As for my training, I ran an easy 7 miles on Saturday. That gave me 82 for the week. Sunday and Monday were both 10-mile days. I had plans to stop in Eau Claire yesterday for another long run along some of the routes we used to run in college. I ended up talking myself out of that because 1) it was still raining and I’d had enough of that weather and more importantly 2) I just went long a week ago and I think I need more “speed” than endurance. Running long yesterday would mean I would not be able to do mile repeats tonight.

I'm leery about writing this, but I've been having thoughts that things are coming together at the right time here. I've been feeling pretty good lately. My knee seems fine now and while my left leg bothers me a little at the start of my runs, it loosens up quickly. I've gotten in some decent long runs, mile repeats and MP runs. I may actually run fairly well in Chicago...just under 6 weeks.

Today’s quote of the day comes from an email coach Matt sent to the P2 triathletes prior to the race;

“Ironman is a name that is earned and stamped onto your heart. It is not earned in one day...it is earned over months of time...over months that you have successfully traveled. You now overshadow the person, the spirit, the athlete, and the teammate who you were when this journey started.” - Coach Matt

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