Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I haven’t run in 3 days; Sunday was completely off, Monday I biked for 75 minutes and yesterday I biked for 60 minutes. I don’t have any great excuses for the time off except that this is a cutback week before I make a final push towards Chicago. I want to give my legs a few days to (hopefully) heal some aches and pains.

I tried something new while biking on the training Monday night; playing x-box at the same time. It worked out pretty well as I was only playing golf. It sure made the time go by fast. I was 45 minutes into the ride before I even noticed.

Last night I went to the Twins game with Scott, Bear and Tom. Scott got the tickets through his wife’s office. It turns out the Metrodome isn’t that bad – when you’re sitting 3 rows behind the 3rd base coach!!! Too bad we didn’t have any offense to cheer for during the 2-0 loss. Thanks Scott.

Before the game we met up for beer and brats. Bear was wondering why I didn’t just race the half marathon after going out too hard. That’s a very good question. I think I had my mind made up that it was going to be a marathon-paced workout. Once in the mindset, it’s hard to shift to a different (more painful) strategy.

I forgot to add my splits from the race. If anyone wants to view them, here they are;

6:16, 6:40, 6:39, 6:47, 6:43, 7:10, 14:02 (two miles), 7:09, 7:03, 6:54, 7:00, 7:20 (last 1.1)

Quote of the day;
“I’m not a machine that can be wound up every day.” – Herb Elliott, after being asked to run a sub-4 the night after his WR 1500


  1. I tried to explain the whole "mindset" to someone just doesn't work unless they do it.

  2. Three days off, playing x-box on the bike trainer? What happened to the guy in the profile?

    “I’m 34. If I want to see what I can accomplish in running and if I ever want another chance to approach my all-time PRs, now is the time. I’m not getting any younger."

    Take this for the "tough-love" comment it is meant to be. If you're really dedicated to getting as fast as you can before father time slows you down, it's time to run.

    I want to see you succeed but a cutback week doesn't mean half a week off...does it?

  3. Mike, no problem with the tough-love comment.

    I just think I'll be better off over the next 8 weeks if I cutback and try to get healthy this week. Whether I run two 5 mile runs or go for two bike rides over an hour, I doubt there's much of a difference.

    Again, I don't want to do that every week. But given my track record recently, I'd at least like to get to Chicago in one piece - even if it only means being in 2:58 shape.

  4. Oh yeah, wow that was already written over 2 years ago.

  5. You periodize your training right? ie build for 3 weeks then take an easy week or something.

    I sat 5 rows behing the first base coach at the Metrodome and the stadium still sucked. I heard the Twinkies might get an open are field.

  6. qc, yeah but more so when I'm in a base building phase. Since building back from my injury I've had 8 weeks in-a-row over 62 miles. Not that 62 miles is a lot, but throwing in a 40-50 mile week in there probably would have helped.

    Yeah the Twinkies DID get there stadium approved. It's scheduled to open in 2010 and will be behind the Target Center. Can't wait!!!
