Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Alright, I made a couple of tweaks to my ad and posted it on a couple of message boards. I may have to also send an email to running friends to help get the ball rolling.

Writing this ad as well as creating a new post on letsrun must have zapped all my mental strength, as I can barely come up with a blog topic for the day. So I’m going to piggyback on other bloggers.

Andrew had a nice post yesterday regarding mileage and race results. I’ve always wanted to stand at the finish line of a race and give each runner a quick survey. Something like this;

How many life-to-date miles have you run?
How many miles did you run last year?
How many miles per week have you averaged over the last 3 months?

That’s it. Just something simple enough to see there’s a correlation between mileage (ever, last year and recently) and finishing place.

Awhile ago Susan posted this entry regarding balancing goals with actual motivation and dedication. That got me thinking about being fast vs. being fit – as in overall fitness, not scrawny-runner-fit. I have these dreams of being fit – ripped muscles, 6-pack abs, stud-triathlete-fit. I even lift once in awhile and do some crunches. But the program never really lasts because when it comes right down to it, I’d rather be scrawny and fast, than fit and slow. So for the most part I just stick with running.

I don’t know if it’s these thoughts or because I’ve been watching the Tour de France, but lately I’ve had a desire to go for a bike ride. I think it started after watching the individual time trial the other day. Anyway, I dusted off my tri bike last night and went out for an easy 40 minute ride. I suppose that’s equal to about a 2 mile run.

I have to be to work at the same time everyday. So if I want to get in more miles, my alarm as to be set earlier and earlier. Today this meant 5 AM in order to get in 10 miles. I felt really good after holding the pace back yesterday. It’s nice that my legs are able to bounce back after 1 easy day. This run pushed me over a little milestone; 70 miles for the last 7 days.

Quote of the day;
“It's painful. Running is totally different from cycling - the impact on the body. "Those guys (marathon runners) train hard, watch what they eat and go to bed early - things I don't want to do anymore. I'm over that. I like to have a bit of fun.” – Lance Armstrong


  1. That's a great idea. It makes me think of doing something similar here. There aren't many (any?) training groups for people that aren't sub-elite, elite or recreational runners.

  2. i completely agree about the scrawy and fast thing, but sometimes increasing upper body and core strength can improve your speed. It'
    s just a question of finding the time to do it. With running, there's instant feedback, which isn't always there when you work other body parts.

  3. adeel, it might be a great idea, but it's not getting much of a response. My friend Eric thinks my target audience is already running with a group or team. Maybe so and I just need to meet up with them. We'll see...

    arcaner, I know core strength is important, but you're right about finding the time. Why are there only 24 hours in a day?

  4. "scrawny and fast" Things could be worse huh?

  5. Bob posted the Lance article today. When did he become a sissy??

    I'm with you... I played hockey for several years and was never considered burley (even when I was 215lbs my sr. of high school). It wasn't until in my 20's that I realized my running endurance was my strength - not weight lifting and muscular physique. Oh well... we should be thrilled with our talents.

  6. Zeke, the situation might be different in the Twin Cities, but the options in Toronto are the club system or social running groups. Fast in the club system would be a half in the 1:10-1:15 range. Fast in a social group might be 1:35.

    I was part of an informal training group for guys and girls in the middle (17 to 19-minute 5ks) but all they seem to do is run fast, anaerobic intervals without regard for goals or training cycles.

  7. Zeke..great idea / ad...I'd definitely be up for it if I was in the area...of course hanging on as best I could!
    Congrats on getting that mileage up there again...solid!

  8. Nice job on the high mileage!

  9. Ryan, 215 and not burley - in high school. I think the most I've ever weighed is 160 when I was 28.

    adeel, that's interesting. We have the fast guys/gals who mostly run for running store teams. Then we have the health clubs that have running teams and MN Distance Runners Assoc. It's almost like there are too many groups that things get diluted, especially when you're talking about the relatively small number of runners who run 2:50 to 3:05.

  10. You're right about the body type Zeke. I'm new to running (1 1/2 years, two 1/2 marathons) and I'm amazed when I see a "fit" person that I can pass and a "scrawny" (as you say) person that just flys by me!!!

  11. Lance, some of these fit people have so much upper body mass, I don't know how the heck they run at all.

    Coming from a bike background, you probably have massive thighs that allow us scrawny folk to pass you up. At least that's the story I'd go with.
