Friday, June 02, 2006


I just have a bunch of odd and ends to talk about today.

I love sitting back and watching a baseball game. Something about the game is just relaxing. If there’s one thing that bothers me about the sport though, it’s these batters that have to tighten their battling gloves – AFTER EVERY PITCH! Did your gloves really loosen that much in the last 4 seconds? Let me duct tape those to your wrist for you.

And how about Ivan Rodriguez? This guy makes the sign of the cross – BEFORE EVERY PITCH!!! Say he bats 4 times a game and the average pitch count per at bat is 5. That’s 20 crosses per game. Over the course of the season, that’d be over 3,000 crosses. What if I start doing that at work? I think every time I open a new file, answer the phone or send an email, I’ll make the sign of the cross. It’ll be like a little prayer – to ensure that I don’t have any spelling errors in my outgoing email – even better than spell check.

Speaking of email, I’m officially to the point where I don’t send enough letters through snail mail. Anyone else do this...put the return address label where the stamp goes? That's what happened when I was getting a graduation card ready this morning. Of course, it's a colored envelop that ripped when I pulled off the label. Now there’s a huge white spot showing through.

Our company is doing well and expanding. We’re hiring a bunch of new people – mostly recent college grads. I’ve seen a few resumes for the candidates and it’s scary. I’m not sure how some of them will ever get an interview.

Product Process Senior

 In charge of the merchandising and inventory teams.
 Receive, transfer, and move products.
 Got a MVP award as a senior.
 Recently received my fifth yearly review, in which I received a score of 4.6 out of 5.

 Receive, transfer, and move products.
 Received multiple MVP awards.

 Set planograms, put out new releases, and also sales.
 Learned a great deal about consumer purchasing habits in music, movies, and software.
 Spent a majority of my tenure in this department.
 Received multiple MVP awards in this department.

 Set planograms, ad sets, work trucks, and do pricing.
 Received multiple MVP awards in merchandising, which are given out every quarter.

Can you say “boring and repetitive”?

Speaking of work, one of the guys here is named Richard Payne. Get it, Dick Pain. Come on people, think a little when you're naming your kids.

Finally, this is a running blog, so I’ll end with a couple of running-related topics. Duncan’s Casey Moutlon interview posed the question “Who are your running heroes, and why?” To which Casey responded, “Bill Rodgers, Dick Beardsley, Derek Clayton, Joan [Samuelson], Jack Foster, Ron Daws, Benji Durden, Bob Hodge, Paula Radcliffe, Weldon Johnson, Brian Sell, Clint Verran, Trent Briney…I could go on forever.” What a great list, and from an 18, er, I mean twenty-something “kid”. That kind of got me thinking about runners I admired while growing up. Obviously there’s Rodgers and Salazar and being so close to Minnesota, there’s Beardsley and Bjorklund. Who are/were your running idols?

Normally I don’t like to post links to articles that are easy to find, but speaking of running heroes, this article on Boulder is a good read. Today’s quote of the day comes from this article;

Quote of the day:
"None of us knew how good we were. None of us knew how bad we were. We just all thought, 'If he can make the Olympic team, so can I."' – Steve Flanagan


  1. Not in any order:

    Steve Cram
    Sebastian Coe
    Steve Ovett
    Steve Scott
    Johnny Gray
    Tim Hacker

  2. Hmmm, I think it's safe to say you're a 800/1500 guy at-heart.

  3. Carl Hatfield
    Alan Sharshu
    Matt Centrowitz
    Bill McChesney
    Thom Hunt
    Kenny Moore
    Dick Buerkle
    Eamon Coglan
    Gaston Roulants
    Bill Rodgers
    Ben Jipcho
    Kip Keino
    Brendan Foster
    Rod Dixon
    Malcom East
    Bob Petrini
    Steve Spence
    Ron Daws
    John Tuttle
    Frank Shorter
    John Walker
    Steve Ovett
    Jack Foster
    Rudy Chapa
    Henry Rono
    Chad Austin

    Francie Larrieu
    Mary Decker
    Joan Benoit
    Ingrid Khristiansen
    Candy Young

  4. Dick Payne?

    Oh dear God.

    I grew up a swimmer, so I was more the Janet Evans/Summer Sanders type, but I would have to say the clip of Joan Benoit Samuelson running that Olympic Marathon--where she turns around, realizes how far ahead she is, and rolls her eyes as if to say "puh-lease..."--is awesome.

  5. The father of a friend of my daughter's is named Roy Paine, and, I kid you not, his middle name is Al.

  6. omg - Dick Pain.

    And I'm still laughing at David's Royal Pain. That is an absolute classic.
    This is why it's so agonizing to come up with a name for our baby!

    Running Hero? Dude - Radcliffe all the way man. Talk about new frontier. Talk about not letting the Arficans indimidate you to the point where you think you can't compete. Talk about a role model for a generation of women, not to mention men!

  7. Double, I'm at the bottom of the list - but at least I'm on it. :-) You know you're at the top of my list. I'll have to break out google to find out who some of those people are.

    Sara, I like Summer Sanders too - but probably for other reasons. I like to watch Sports Lists just to see her.

    David, that's awesome. I could see talking about a name like that, but not actually going through with it. Like my friends - the Lees who joked about naming their boy Brock - as in Brock Lee; Broccoli. They went with Nicholas instead.

    Yvonne, naming can be hard. My wife works at a school so a lot of the names I picked reminded her of certain kids - and not the good ones. That made things a little difficult.

    Were you a Joan Benoit fan? I'd think all women (and men) would be.

  8. You must not be a Nomar fan I take it. Also,somewhat related, watch Sergio Garcia circa 2002 waggle before he hits a ball. DEATH WATCH.

  9. Duncan, can't say I've seen Nomar much - especially now that he's in the Nat'l league. Maybe with inter-league play starting I'll be able to see him.

    Yes, I remember Sergio's waggle. That was annoying. Could you imagine playing with him?

  10. Aw man, I was gonna say something about Nomar but Duncan beat me to it. I'm not sure I know any other batters who are as fidgety as him, but one fidgety pitcher to check out is Steve Trachsel. Not sure who he's playing for now...though I'm sure it's somebody in the NL. As far as Pudge goes, I get annoyed by those crosses too but hey, he's such a sparkplug for those young guys on the team. Or maybe I'm biased b/c I've suffered WAY too long thru all of the Tigers' losing seasons. :)

    Another name story: My roomate's last name is Roney, and they have a dog named Pepper...they didn't figure it out til like 2 months after they named him.

    Running idols, well I'm still a young gun so I don't have a big list, but I really like what Meb Keflizighi (sp?) is doing. Marla Runyan is a good choice too because she's legally blind.
