Wednesday, May 10, 2006


A couple a weeks ago, after biking for 3 hours, I mentioned how great the Twin Cities are, especially for outdoor enthusiast. Last night’s bike re-affirmed this too. While my training group was running hills, I followed the bike trail through Harriet Island and beyond for 8 miles before turning around and heading back. I believe there were 2 stops signs during that 8 mile stretch. It’s hard to beat that. And looking at downtown St. Paul from Harriet Island on a gorgeous night was breathtaking.

With that said, does anyone know why it’s called an Island? Evan? You probably know. Anyway, it looked like a perfect place for a Twins stadium to me, but that will never happen.

Jenna gave me the once over last night and my leg feels better. She seems to think the down hills caused tightness in my quads which is pulling things out of whack - including my knee. Gotta get back to icing, stretching, massaging and taking drugs religiously.

One minute I think there's no way I'll run Grandma's and then the next I think it's possible. Who knows?

I did get my confirmation number in the mail yesterday for the Chicago marathon. It's hard to be too fired up about it - being on the IR and all. But it is a reminder that there are other races out there.

Here’s a story and video of the first sub-4 mile on Wisconsin soil.

Quote of the day:
“Running is real and relatively simple – but it ain’t easy. It’s a challenge. It takes work. It takes commitment. You have to get out of bed, get out the door, down the street. You have to risk getting cold, wet, or too hot. Maybe whack some over-zealous hound on the snout – or “Hot Rod Harry” on the hood – every now and again. And, of course, you have to take your very first run.” – Mark Will-Weber from The Quotable Runner


  1. Ha! You ask this question of a foreigner who's lived here just a few years.

    I believe, and a little googling confirms that it once was an island, and then in 1949 they filled in the back channel to make it not-an-island.

    However, I think I originally read that on a historical plaque somewhere on the island while on a long run, which seems more legitimate research than google.

  2. nice video...that last quarter in 56.4....those guys know how to push eh? great stuff

    hopefully Jenna has you headed in the right direction with the leg

  3. Thanks Evan, I knew you'd come through.

    Mike, yeah it's amazing how smooth those guys look too. A friend that was there says the video doesn't do justice to the atmosphere at the track.
