Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I decided to test my leg out during lunch today. I stayed on the treadmill so I could control the elevation and pace and stop at the first sign of pain. The first 10-15 minutes were a little painful, but I eventually loosened up and felt pretty good. I ended up running 4 miles, during which I dropped the pace from 10:00 to 7:30/mile. We’ll see how my leg responds to that.

Even if it holds up, there’s no way I’m racing a 10k this Saturday. Besides, it turns out my parents will be in town and I need to drop them off at the airport 2 hours after the race starts. Maybe I can talk them into going down for the race, but I’m not holding my breath.

I’m hoping to get out of a work meeting a little early tonight so I can swing by practice and have Jenna look at my leg. She just finished chiropractor school and is focusing on soft tissue. Maybe she can help pinpoint the painful area and show me some tricks of the trade.

Unfortunately, I don’t have time to post anything from Running with the Buffaloes today. I’ll end with a quote that I found in the book.

Quote of the day:
“If you’re not enjoying the journey, you probably won’t enjoy the destination.” - unknown


  1. I've been there with the "testing"...I'd say go with your first instinct to skip that 10K especially since I'm sure it won't be a casual race for you- let that puppy heal!

  2. Be careful. A classic symptom of shin splints is that the pain starts to go away after 10 minutes of running, which is why many runners underestimate the severity of this type of injury.

    I thought the website at http://www.pponline.co.uk/encyc/0161.htm had some very good tips on that issue.

  3. Mike, yep no 10k for me. Gotta get healthy. You're right though, missing days when the weather is absolutely beautiful is adding insult to injury - especially after training all throughout the winter.

    Thomas, thanks for the link, I'll check it out. I'm trying to be careful.
