Wednesday, March 01, 2006


First off, Happy 5th Birthday to my oldest daughter, Kinsey. It’s very hard to believe she’s 5 already. That’s about the age of my oldest memories, so I better watch what I say and do a little more closely from now on.

Today was an easy recovery day. I ended up running twice, 6 miles each time. During the first run I spent a lot of time thinking of various affirmations I want to think about during an 8K I’m running on the 19th. For shorter races I like to have one for each mile, so I came up with 5 for this race;

Mile 1 – “Relax to achieve the max.”
Mile 2 – “Calm and confident, I run great.” (remember from yesterday, “calm” is my cue word)
Mile 3 – “When I act ‘as if,’ I get a lift.” (‘as if’ would be something like acting as if I’m winning the race)
Mile 4 – “I love hills.” (since there’s a gradual uphill during this mile).
Mile 5 – “I’m a well-oiled machine.”

I’m sure all of these will come to mind at various stages during the race. The reason I like to have a new one for each mile is just in case my mind is wondering all over the place, they help re-focus me. I figure if I have positive statements that are pre-planned, it’s harder for negative thoughts to enter and stick around.

I got some good news at work today. We are moving into a new office building that is closer to my house. So, instead of driving 24 miles to work, I’ll drive 18. The new office will have a shower, but no workout facility. Not a big deal, but it was nice having a treadmill at home and at work. I guess that means I’ll have to come up with a bunch of new running routes. Either that or I’ll just run from home since my commute won’t be as long. Probably the biggest bummer is that we won’t have a cafeteria like we have now. Right now we have subsidized lunches. I can eat an entrée with veggies, a side-salad, and usually fruit and cottage cheese for $3.50. I won’t be bringing all that food myself. Overall, the move will be good for me. I was worried they were going to move further away, so I can’t complain.

Quote of the Day:
“I think there’s only one sensible place for a person to be at 5:30 in the morning. That’s in bed. And what am I doing? I’m out running. And I completely hate this.” Derek Clayton, first sub-2:09 marathoner


  1. Great quote, sums up feelings all of us have at some point, whether we are fast or slow. Happy Birthday indeed, you hardly seem old enough to have a 5 year old!

  2. my columbus mantra was "I am Strong,I am Tough, I will run 3:30"

    Maybe next time I will add a few more!

  3. Mike, yeah it's not a positive quote, but if he's still getting out the door for his morning run, it has a positive spin.

    Elizabeth, 3.5 hours is a long time for one mantra. I like to make mine ryhmn too. I'm sure as Grandma's gets closer, I'll share all my mental "secrets" for the marathon. Sorry to say, I don't have any 50-miler secrets. you're on your own.
