Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Yesterday it was 3 degrees and calm. This morning it was 37 with a 20 mph wind; so much for a cold snap. The 5-day forecast has highs above freezing for each day, including 42 on Thursday. What a weird winter!?

It seems like two things are taking shape; 1) I’m to the point where my legs are achy at the beginning of my runs, but then they loosen up within a mile and I’m fine and 2) I’m starving all the time. I can’t get enough to eat. I just had beef stroganoff, corn, a side salad, and a piece of pie for lunch and I’m still hungry.

I just ran an easy 6 miles this morning. I have a group 10-mile run planned for tonight. It’ll be interesting to see how my legs feel. Hopefully this morning’s run with help shake out some of those aches.

I found the quote at the end of Mario’s post today to be appropriate.

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.

T.S. Eliot

Finally, "Double" how about those Steelers?


  1. Just out of curiosity from a warm weather runner, which is worse 3 degrees and calm or 37 degrees and windy?

  2. 3 degrees and windy. :-)

    Neither day was that bad. Most of the trail is lined with trees to block the wind. There's only about 1-1.5 miles where it's wide open.

    3 degrees isn't bad - I'd just like to ease into it a little more rather than having the sudden drop.

  3. How about those Steelers!

  4. Susan, isn't winter only half over?

  5. You have really been putting in the mileage. Impressive. As far as weather goes, give me 3 degrees to run in any day over heat.

    Maybe I'll see you in Duluth in June! I sent my app in Monday morning.

  6. Massoman, I haven't heard that quote before. Let's hope it's true.

    DGC, that's awesome. Have you done Gma's before?

  7. Honestly, I expected the Steelers to get to the Superbowl. I expected they could beat Indy simply because they had already played them. The Denver game was a given. Any Superbowl is a crap shoot, but the AFC plays a bit different version of football and I expect it to come down to the W I R E. A strong defense, a balanced offense on the rise and a good kicking game should find them on top.
