Thursday, January 05, 2006


Today’s log book entry looks a lot like yesterday’s; 5 miles in the morning and 10 miles in the evening. The 5 miles was very easy, partially due to the slippery trails. About the only time the trails I run on aren’t great is when the packed snow melts during the day and freezes at night. Usually this is in the Spring and it usually only last a few days since temps warm-up “quickly”. Unfortunately, with our warmer weather lately, this has already occurred. In addition, the warmer weather isn’t warm enough to melt the snow/ice quickly, so the trails are basically a crusty, slick ice rink. Looks like I’ll have to break the Yaktrax out until the footing changes.

This evening I met up with the same training group I join about a year ago. It’s made up of a bunch of triathletes with a few runners sprinkled in. A few people have left since last year, while there were a few new faces. One new addition is Joyce, a 37-year old mother of 3 that ran 2:58 at Grandma’s last year – a time that included about 20 bathroom breaks. During the race she would pass me, run into the bushes, pass me, run into the bushes - over and over. Obviously she has some intestinal problems that she’s working on. Anyway, I look forward to training with her for Grandma’s again.

Since I ran a harder effort last night and since I’m meeting Scott tomorrow morning, I decided to hang back and keep the pace easy. No sense busting my ass three days in a row and then trying to follow it up with a long run on Saturday.

Oh, they're still working on the van - replacing the transmission. I guess Katie won't be able to go to college any more.


  1. I do not like running on the slick crud. I think I may start trying to hit real trails during these conditions...

  2. Elizabeth, unfortunately I can't run real trails at 5:30 in the morning. Maybe I can try them out this weekend. Not sure what the condition will be like with all the winter hikers using them.

    Susan, that's an impressive time without bathroom breaks. It'll be interesting to see what she can run if she can figure that problem out.

  3. I have one word for intestinal problems, "immodium." And I agree, with or without bathroom breaks that is a stellar time.
